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Creating good habits is an app that aims to assist parents in controlling the childs responsibilities, gamificando your routine and monstrando for the child and parents the percentage of activities completed by his son.
That way parents can bargain with the children, their allowances, based on the percentage of liabilities concluded in the month, or offer rewards for his sons performance, is monitoring the percentage or the total of stars earned.
Creating good habits, it based its assessment, in the same format in which children are used in games through three stars for each day that 100% of the activities are completed. Parents can also define the minimum percentage for the first star of conquest and 2 stars, if you do not agree with the already stipulated by App (40%, 75%), but the third star can only be achieved with 100% of completed activities That day.
You can also delete the data of the days you do not want to control, such as a weekend or holidays, through the historic menu, making a swipe to the left over the desired day
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